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Exercise Separates the Species

Friday 14 April 2023

There are two human species on this planet, and we're not talking about male and female. There are those who exercise regularly and those who don't. They are different from each other, in their bodies and their minds. It's not always easy to spot right away, because not everyone who exercises or plays sport regularly necessarily looks super-fit, or slim, or muscular. But long, recorded observation in and out of the Dojo points to a vast difference between the two species.

Apart from the more obvious and well-publicised advantages of exercise, like improved strength, endurance, flexibility, speed, agility and general performance, exercise also contributes far more holistically to your body and mind than you may be aware of. Here are just some of the extra benefits gained:

A close up of the Meiji martial arts front door sign

Improved blood flow. Lack of exercise can mean a sluggish blood flow. In its healthy motion through the body from exercise, it constantly refreshes all your vital organs with oxygen and energy.

Better breathing. During normal walks of life, we rarely if ever fill our lungs to capacity. And you know the old saying: 'Use it or lose it'. If you don't use what you've got to the full, it will learn to function less and less on your behalf.

Lower heart rate. Here's the irony. Exercise speeds your heart up, so your body can cope with the demands you're making on it. But afterwards it will tend to revert to a lower resting rate, relaxed and de-stressed.

Better appetite. Your body burns energy during exercise, meaning the machine needs more fuel (but reward it with the good stuff, not junk food!).

Less stress. We can all suffer from stress in today's environment, which is why it's so important to find a way of earthing it, so it doesn't linger and fester inside you.

Better sleep. Not because exercise has exhausted you, but insomnia is replaced by a feeling of satisfaction. Go to sleep with a smile on your face.

Better digestion. When the body works efficiently, it is less likely to get clogged up.

More confidence. When you feel good, you exude more confidence, and that's infectious. People feel good around you.

Better resistance to disease. A healthy, active body is ready for the fight against disease, better able to resist it, whether it's a common cold or the threat of cancer.

Better cognitive ability. Stimulating blood flow to the brain keeps it alive and alert.

So, ask yourself a simple question: which species do you belong to?

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