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Introducing kids to some very old-fashioned ideas

Tuesday 28 June 2022

Respect. Accountability. Discipline. Responsibility. Comradeship. Integrity.

Does this sound like boot camp?
Or the way older readers may remember school?
Does it relate in any way to now?

Cynics may regard such words as old-fashioned, unteachable and unpopular, especially with today's kids.

Meiji Martial Arts children enjoying their sparring practice

Well, step back in time and visit Meiji Martial Arts. Martial arts go back thousands of years and are founded on those opening words. The Bushido Code embodies them (and more). They are not subject to changes in society. They are permanent mainstays in a stable society, and crucial lifesavers in a turbulent one. And here's the thing. Kids love them. Our experience is that they relate to them almost instantly. Much more readily, in fact, than adults.

It's easy to underestimate the intuitive wisdom of kids. But at Meiji Martial Arts, we celebrate it. It's a joy to see it flourish when encouraged. Kids need heroes, role models, someone to look up to, someone who speaks truth to them (for they spot the lies, that's for sure), someone who shows them the way. At Meiji Martial Arts, these are their Senseis, champion fighters with a sense of fair play. Someone who will look after them, and teach them how to look after themselves. Someone they can trust. Someone to give all of them confidence.

The word 'discipline' is much abused, too often interpreted as punishment. Good discipline is based on the 'rules of the game', whereby great things happen to you when you play by them. In other words, kids see and get the practical benefit of them. They relate to a world they can understand and appreciate, based on achievement and reward.

At Meiji Martial Arts, kids learn to take responsibility, not only for themselves but for each other. Teamwork fosters comradeship - many will make friends for life here. When working in pairs, the value of accountability is understood. They're accountable for the safety of their partners. This fosters respect and self-respect. From those grow integrity as a human being, compassionate towards others, and defenders of the right way.

Does all this sound too good to be true? You'll discover it's alive and kicking at Meiji Martial Arts. Above all, and here's both the ultimate reward and its foundation, everyone has so much fun.

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