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A stronger brain muscle

Thursday 18 August 2022

Every time you exercise your body, your brain gets stronger. Because we can't see it, we often forget that one of the most important organs in the body loves the extra flow of blood that exercise produces and circulates. So, while you may not be able to admire development of your brain muscle in the mirror like you can your biceps or your pecs, here are some of the bonuses you get from a fitter brain.

Sensei in the Dojo being handed something

The increased flow of blood to the brain improves cognitive functioning - in layman's terms, it 'clears the mind', enabling you to think and act more effectively. Your problem-solving skills improve. Your attention span is widened, too. You can process and retain more information. Your power of recall increases. You're more alert. It exemplifies the old saying that great health isn't just improved fitness, but a positive feeling of wellbeing. This comes from the brain as a thank you for releasing more endorphins, which is what good exercise does. It's a win-win situation, because communication between the body and the brain is like a two-way dialogue between friends with a common purpose - they help and stimulate each other. You grow as a person.

Most importantly, a strong brain solves a lot of emotional problems, too. In this day and age especially, you need to be robust against all kinds of mental issues. Psychological problems can get worse when an indolent brain feeds on its own anxieties. Sometimes it just needs waking up a bit. Get down to the Dojo. Meet kindred spirits. Stimulate that brain muscle with a good workout. You'll find it does wonders for anxiety and depression. Stress works its way from the brain through the body and can be expelled, or cast out, through good exercise. And guess what? You're likely to sleep longer and deeper, too. Not so much because you're physically tired, but a happier brain switches off more easily and takes a refreshing break.

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